Our Team

Sue Ferreri, Rockland Farm Alliance

Executive Director

Sue has joined RFA in 2021 as a full-time Executive Director and overall champion for the farm and education programs. She studied Business Management from Millersville University, Community Development and Viticulture from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Sue served on RFA’s board during 2021 and offers some great experience in managing people and operations at Equinox, Lululemon and Abercrombie & Fitch. She is a lifelong gardener and has a strong passion for Community Development. Sue is close-up on the farm - she and her husband Matt and their four children live just over the deer fence from the South Field! Coming to the office is just a short walk across our fields! Sue inspires the entire RFA team everyday with her energy, commitment to a "human-first" environment, and dedication to building strong programs.

Sophie Vranian, Cropsey Community Farm

Farm Manager

Sophie comes to Cropsey with a decade of organic vegetable production under her belt. Sophie has a B.A. in Intercultural Studies from Long Island University's international program L.I.U. Global. She found her way to farming after college while working for Cayuga Pure Organics, a dry bean/grain farm, as their NYC Greenmarket Manager. Inspired by the farmers she met there, she moved home to Minnesota to start farming closer to family. Returning to the east coast in 2019, she was excited to find it was possible to farm and live close enough to the city for her partner to commute. Her deep experience in a variety of farming functions will be great guidance as we build back thriving organic land use with an enthused farm team. She loves talking about food with other passionate eaters, hanging out after a long day in the field with a special drink, and making her daughter cackle. Sophie and her family live in nearby Sleepy Hollow, NY.

Thalia Adams-Waingarten, Rockland Farm Alliance

Office Manager

Thalia's vision is to assure a bright future for humanity by improving our relationship with nature, through contribution and education. She joined the RFA staff in March 2021 in support of this vision, following a long career in Purchasing at mostly pharmaceutical firms. She has a BA from UC Santa Cruz in Theatrical Lighting Design, a MBA from NYU, is a lifetime A.P.P. (Accredited Purchasing Practitioner) and C.P.M. (Certified Purchasing Manager), and is currently serving as VP Finance/Treasurer for ISM-NJ (Institute of Supply Management - New Jersey). Thalia is also an avid gardener, and a lover of nature, especially felines.

Marisa Chee, Cropsey Community Farm

Farm Crew Leader

Marisa joins the team wearing many hats! She is our Flower program lead farmer, former-volunteer coordinator, and all-around people-cheerleader. After spending nearly a decade in the construction industry, she took a leap to follow a calling in agriculture. She is originally from Rockland County and is looking forward to working with the community in her old stomping grounds. For Marisa, farming is at the intersection of many of her interests — from spending time outdoors to local, seasonal produce, and community education, as well as food and environmental justice. Marisa believes involving people with their local farms, getting their hands in the soil and out in nature, allows us all to see just how everything is connected and to better appreciate, take care of, and give back to the environment and each other.

Maryn Brosnan , Rockland Farm Alliance

Educational Director

Maryn Brosnan joins the farm as a co-director of education. She graduated with a bachelor's in Elementary Education from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. and holds a Master’s in Literacy from West Chester University. She has taught in elementary schools in both Washington, D.C. and New York City. Maryn and her husband Mike moved to Rockland County in 2015. They have enjoyed taking their three children to Cropsey’s Farm festivals, hiking, and going on adventures outside. Since becoming a mom, Maryn grew passionate about getting her children outdoors.  She is so excited about this opportunity to join her love of nature with her teaching career. She feels very strongly that the farm is an empowering place for all children. It levels the playing field and is a place all children can feel successful. Maryn looks forward to teaching lessons about agriculture, nutrition and sustainability while allowing the children of Rockland County to experience the beauty of the farm.

Kathy Peterson, Rockland Farm Alliance

Educational Director

Kathy has joined RFA as the co-director of Education. She has an Elementary and Special Education degree from East Stroudsburg University, and received her Reading Specialist Masters Degree from St. Thomas Aquinas College. Kathy worked full time as an elementary special education teacher for fourteen years in New Jersey. Recently, she took some time off from teaching to raise her two daughters, but while being home wanted to still be very involved in the community and continue her love of teaching. Kathy and her husband Mike were both born and raised right here in Rockland County and continue to live here with their daughters Kaitlyn and Anna. She remembers as a child going to Cropsey Farm and shopping in their market. She is thrilled to be a member of the team and run RFA's summer camp and Healthy School Program, which teaches environmental education in local classrooms and brings those classes to the farm.

Ailene King Dykhuizen , Rockland Farm Alliance

Children's Garden Farmer & Farm Educator

Ailene holds a B.S. in Plant and Soil Science from the University of Vermont. After graduating she designed and maintained both residential and commercial kitchen gardens, before joining a landscape architecture/planning firm. As an associate, Ailene worked on large-scale projects spending much of her time behind the computer, feeling disconnected from the land. After returning to Rockland County and starting her family, she decided to go back to her roots volunteering on several farms in the Hudson Valley area ultimately landing here at Cropsey Community Farm. We loved her so much we hired her just to have her around more! Ailene believes that involving children in hands-on, garden-based experiences can be an effective tool in fostering their curiosity, nurturing and nourishing their minds, encouraging healthy choices, and creating a sense of environmental responsibility. When she is not in our garden, you can find her doing one on one garden consulting, design and coaching, spending time with her family, cooking, on the sidelines cheering on her three kids, walking with her dog, or relaxing with a cup of coffee and a good book.

Kathy Rauth, Rockland Farm Alliance

Farm Educator

New Paragraph

Board of Directors

John McDowell, Founder, President, Chair

Joan Dye Gussow, Vice-President

Mary Lukens, Secretary

Michael Morenberg

George Ballane

Julie Prevost

Michael Guareneri

Michael Chang

Partner Organizations

CLICK HERE to learn more about other organizations we are partnering with to bring more food and educational programs to our community.

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